Integrated circuits go through detailed verification before ever making a real chip, allowing developers to be confident that the chip will work once it's produced.
Learn more about present and future of hardware-assisted verification—namely emulation and prototyping—which is becoming critical to creating the next generation of IC designs...
Siemens’s new Veloce CS family of emulation verification tools address the range of chip and software design chores that need to be handled before silicon is available.
Power, once considered an all-but afterthought in system design and well behind performance and area, now leads as the first consideration in PPA (power, performance, area).
Many misconceptions have emerged about chip simulation and verification tools and techniques. Download this eBook, which collects together four of our most popular 11 Myths articles...
Managing challenges and risks that accompany a complex SoC design with FPGA prototyping and verification is critical in reducing or eliminating product delays and associated costs...
Today’s high-performance, power-hungry applications require a new approach to power verification. Emulating power pre-silicon will save weeks of simulation experimentation, delivering...
Creation of a specification for a semiconductor can be time-consuming and costly, especially if the project marches on with continued refinements. Automating the process is the...
A transformational change in the design and verification of electronics for autonomous vehicles will create a competitive advantage for automotive OEMs.
Designing with a high-speed interface like JESD204B always brings new challenges. This article discusses the specification, reviews the tests needed to validate JESD204B devices...
To a savvy chip design verification engineer, VIP is much more than a catchy acronym. Designers understand that verification intellectual property is a mainstay of the verification...
Formal verification is used by almost every chip development and verification group, though myths about it persist and may deter engineers who could benefit from its value.
FastSPICE offers more speed and the ability to simulate larger circuits than SPICE, but it has limitations, opening the door to the emerging GigaSpice simulation alternative. ...
Today's coverage technology exists today to create scenario models; automatically generate coverage goals; automatically generate test cases to hit those goals; and combine...