Cost-effective strategies and best practices for designing robust and reliable electronics, ensuring longevity and performance without increasing product cost.
Qualifying a compiler is essential in today’s connected world. If a compiler isn't tailored for a specific use case, especially those that are safety-critical, the outcome will...
Debugging RISC-V apps can be exhaustive and at times ineffective. However, a high-level-language debugger offers shortcuts to boost efficiency and gives you complete control over...
Delivering more complex software at an ever-increasing pace raises the risks of software errors, which can affect product quality as well as cause security issues. This becomes...
In this article, we’ll look how developers can help the compiler make better decisions about what to do with their code to achieve optimizations in RISC-V-based applications.
MISRA C and its C++ counterpart were originally developed with automotive applications in mind, but they should really be used with any C/C++ development.