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TechXchange: Oscillations, Timing, and Synchronization

July 23, 2024
Find out about all things timing related from oscillators and synchronization to clock trees

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Whether is analog or digital, synchronous or asynchronous, engineers have to contend with time and synchronization issues. This TechXchange examines many, but not all, of the technologies and methodologies related to timing and synchronization. This includes things like oscillators and other time-related technologies like time sensitive networking (TSN).

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The Importance of Timing


Heart Meter think Large

Taking the Pulse of Trends in Timing—the Heartbeat of Electronics

In this forecast article, Piyush Sevalia, EVP Marketing at SiTime, explores three significant trends impacting the timing market in 2021 and beyond.

Timing and Timekeeping

One could make the argument that humanity’s knowledge and use of time is the aspect of our lives that make us different from animals.
Alix Paultre
The author (wearing a Speedmaster) at the Prague astronomical clock, a medieval astronomical clock attached to the Old Town Hall in the capital of the Czech Republic.
Inside Electronics

Timekeeping is Timeless

Time is not only fundamental to reality, it's also fundamental to society. The fact that time is a commodity today only underscores its importance.
What Do Clocks, Carriers, Local Oscillators, and FM Have in Common?

What Do Clocks, Carriers, Local Oscillators, and FM Have in Common?

Sponsored by: Texas Instruments. A phase-locked loop, of course. A PLL frequency synthesizer plays a key role in delivering the precision and accuracy demanded by many applications...

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Timing and Networks

Timing is critical to network operation and more robust timing and synchronization can be useful as well. Timing protocols like IEEE 1588 and time sensitive networking (TSN) are required for many applications.  

Data Center Dreamstime Sdecoret 171692578

Precision Timing ICs Cater to Data Center Connectivity

The new Epoch family of MEMS-based timing devices developed by SiTime is designed for the AI age.

The Importance of Timing in IoT Communications

An important aspect of cloud communications and IoT data transfer is the timing. Clock timing and data transmission are inextricably linked, and without synchronization nothing...
Gennady Kurinov | dreamstime.com
Promo Gennady Kurinov Dreamstime Xxl 72605189

TechXchange: Time for Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)

Synchronization of clocks across the network is becoming standardized. Check out the TSN-specific articles in this TechXchange.

The Challenges of Implementing IEEE 1588 Clients

Four key decisions must be made when trying to overcome issues that arise when incorporating IEEE 1588 clients into wireless-communications and industrial applications.
Clock Dreamstime Newlight 8501782

Boost Time Synchronization Accuracy with the PCIe PTM Protocol

The PCIe Precision Time Measurement protocol enhances time synchronization within distributed systems. This article outlines what’s required for its proper implementation.

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Chips and Clock Trees

Integrated circuits often require and implement various timing functions. Large devices like FPGAs incorporate multiple clocks and distribute these signals throughout the chip. These articles take a look at structures like clock trees used in FPGAs and large integrated circuits.  

Clock Dreamstime Whpics 208363940
Test & Measurement

Timing Decisions 101: Oscillator or Clock?

Here’s a basic guide for considering the timing solution that’s optimal for the technologies and applications being developed today.
Board Dreamstime Narong Rotjanaporn 97303675

Timing Decisions 102: Optimize Your Clock Tree

A fundamental look into the clock tree helps engineers gain a better understanding of the timing requirements and associated jitter budgets when designing timing systems.
Promo 1

Essential Timing Factors for Low-Power Precision Signal-Chain Apps (Part 1)

This two-part series explains timing factors and solutions for reducing power while maintaining precision in low-power systems, as required for measurement and monitoring applications...
Analog Devices
Promo 1

Essential Timing Factors for Low-Power Precision Signal-Chain Apps (Part 2)

Part 1 of this series discussed timing considerations for sigma-delta ADCs. Part 2 gets into the timing factors and solutions for reducing power while maintaining precision in...

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Oscillators, Clocks and Resonators

Oscillators are one of the basic timing devices. 

Clock Dreamstime Whpics 208363940
Test & Measurement

Timing Decisions 101: Oscillator or Clock?

Here’s a basic guide for considering the timing solution that’s optimal for the technologies and applications being developed today.

Look Inside Programmable MEMS Clock Chips

A summary of the history of integrated circuits for clocking digital devices, following the trend toward the use of MEMS structures for resonators, with broad a description of...
3060484 © Michael Flippo | Dreamstime.com
Stopwatch Dreamstime L 3060484

MEMS vs. Crystal Oscillators: It’s All in the Application

Precision frequency control and timing are essential to all modern electronics technology.

Silicon Resonators Address Advanced Timing

Silicon-based timing solutions can offer performance advantages over quartz oscillators. We spoke to Piyush Sevilla, EVP of Marketing at SiTime, about their efforts in the timing...
Si Time Piyush Sevalia

Piyush Sevalia of SiTime on MEMS-Based Timing

Technology pressure occurs along every front, from materials to software, Advances from wide-bandgap semiconductors, to multiprocessor SoCs, to advanced AI machine-learning solutions...
Military Video Promo

Rugged TCXO Speeds GPS Signal Acquisition, Locking in Mil/Aero Systems

SiTime's 32.768-kHz Super-TCXO enables the design of ultra-rugged devices, addressing critical market needs beyond military and aerospace.

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Synchronization and Timing Basics

Synchronization logic and circuits provide a way to coordinate the operation of different parts of a system. One of the challenges engineers need to deal with is jitter. 

Tony 101
Test & Measurement

Timing Jitter 101

In any system that uses voltage transitions to represent timing information, jitter is an unfortunate part of the equation. In essence, jitter is the deviation of timing edges...

Most Electronic Devices Have a Pulse. You Want to Avoid Skipped Beats.

Most Electronic Devices Have a Pulse. You Want to Avoid Skipped Beats.

Time Synchronization is Crucial in Modern Electronics

Precision timing is critical to all connected embedded systems, from the board level to the network to the cloud, as all those involved must be synchronized.
Clock Dreamstime Newlight 8501782

Boost Time Synchronization Accuracy with the PCIe PTM Protocol

The PCIe Precision Time Measurement protocol enhances time synchronization within distributed systems. This article outlines what’s required for its proper implementation.

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555 Timers

The NE555 timer is one of the most popular integrated circuits. Have you used a 555 timer in the past. Take our 555 time poll and let us know. 


A Timer to Remember

Even in the age of MCUs, the NE555 remains useful decades after its inception.
Stefan506, Wikimedia, and 15491910 © Alexey Stiop | Dreamstime.com

The Origin, Explanation, and Applications of Triple-Five Timers

555 timers may be over 50 years old, but they’re still driving the latest electronics to hit the market and will continue in the next-gen devices on the horizon. Read about the...
Trends & Analysis

The 555 Timer Was Just The Beginning For Hans Camenzind

A memorial to Hans Camenzind, who invented the 555 IC and other devices, written by his son, Peter.

A 555 Timer PWM Circuit to Control Ancient Evil

Here’s a way to apply modern techniques to archaic ways on April 1st.

What’s All This 555 Timer Stuff, Anyway?

When it comes to the venerable 555 timer, Paul Rako agrees with Bob Pease—avoid using it if your application demands any kind of precision.
Electrical Engineer Scanrail Dreamstime L 1536 X864 Flat

Informed Analysis Picks Better 555 Timer To Drive Power MOSFET

The venerable 555-type timer makes an effective driver for power MOSFETs, but you have to understand the drive situation when selecting the correct variation of the basic timer...

Comparing the NE555 Timer and LM386 Amplifier as Inductorless DC-DC Converters

Choosing between two widely available, multisourced ICs for the core of an inductorless dc-dc converter—the NE555 timer and the LM386 audio amplifier—requires a look at their ...

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Phase-Locked Loops

Phase-locked loops (PPL) track the phase of an input signal generating an output signal that is in phase relative to the input. They are often used for clock synchronization.  


Choose The Optimal Clocking Solution For FPGA-Based Designs

Long-term reliability, noise immunity and component availability are key criteria in selecting the right clocking solution to optimize the performance of your next FPGA design...
Weist Mw Promo

Phase-Noise Modeling, Simulation, and Propagation in Phase-Locked Loops (Part 1)

This three-part series discusses how phase noise in general is modeled and simulated, and how RF component phase noise propagates through a PLL to determine its output phase noise...
Weist Pt2 Mw Promo

Phase-Noise Modeling, Simulation, and Propagation in Phase-Locked Loops (Part 2)

In Part 2, we design a hypothetical PLL frequency synthesizer as an example to be used for analysis.
Phase Noise Pt3 Mw Promo

Phase-Noise Modeling, Simulation, and Propagation in Phase-Locked Loops (Part 3)

Wrapping up the series, in Part 3 we analyze the example hypothetical synthesizer to demonstrate the concepts and methods presented so far.

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