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Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors Push Power Electronics Evolution

July 30, 2024
GaN and SiC lead the WBG semiconductor charge in reinventing power electronics design. Innoscience Europe’s Denis Marcon discusses the challenges and opportunities they unleash.

We’re currently in the middle of a disruptive evolution in power electronics, driven by the growing availability of wide-bandgap semiconductors like gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC). These new devices are challenging legacy circuit designs by forcing them to migrate upwards in capability to deliver the performance advantages available.

In today’s podcast, we talk to Denis Marcon, General Manager of Innoscience Europe, about the challenges and opportunities being provided to the power electronics industry by wide-bandgap semiconductors.

About the Author

Alix Paultre | Editor-at-Large, Electronic Design

An Army veteran, Alix Paultre was a signals intelligence soldier on the East/West German border in the early ‘80s, and eventually wound up helping launch and run a publication on consumer electronics for the US military stationed in Europe. Alix first began in this industry in 1998 at Electronic Products magazine, and since then has worked for a variety of publications in the embedded electronic engineering space. Alix currently lives in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Also check out his YouTube watch-collecting channel, Talking Timepieces

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