In his role leading Intel Foundry Services (IFS), Stuart Pann is helping to transform Intel’s business, drive a new era of manufacturing innovation, and build a more resilient...
The quantum-computing market size is expected to grow 11X by 2030. So, how do we safeguard our equipment and data now from these post-quantum era threats?
With a focus on the next 2-4 years, Martin is committed to substantially increasing production capabilities while also expanding their expertise to include high-layer PCBs, high...
When Hellen joined Bluespec Inc., she immediately made an impact by playing a lead role in multiple company initiatives that drive adoption and enable innovation with RISC-V. ...
More content from Electronic Design Innovators 2024
Over the years, Chuck Lewin has worked closely with his team to deliver motion-control ICs and boards that tackle the unique requirements of today’s machine designers.
Under the leadership of Maria Anhalt, Elektrobit has been collaborating closely with carmakers and technology partners to bring their visions for the cars of the future to life...
MEMS-based laser beam scanning (LBS) engines offer an alternative solution to current AR technology challenges, leading the way to stylish, lightweight, affordable, and powerful...
AI is already playing an increasing role in the engineering workplace, but is integration of AI an inevitability? Electronic Design’s Salary Survey brings this issue to light....
How did RISC-V transform from a student project into an architecture that’s being used by organizations, universities, and governments around the world? Let’s dive into the history...
What's kept Li-metal batteries from fulfilling their potential to be a viable intermediate technology between today's Li-ion cells and the solid-state batteries expected to eventually...
Today’s connected society is immersed in radio waves. Literally a “sea of RF” and Wi-Fi sensing, enabled by advanced processing techniques, is emerging as a critical feature for...
Kirchhoff’s thermal law relating absorptive and emissive efficiencies has stood for over 150 years, but it may have some violations under specific circumstances.
Explore the main driving forces behind today’s multi-die systems, how they’re becoming the choice system architecture, and how they’re catalyzing the next wave of semiconductor...